At an early age, I was very fortunate to have good art teachers and exposure to art studios, there was no question Art would be my life. Through my teenage years I was taught portraiture in conte and pastels — where I did hundreds of portraits. While in college I learned painting and studied a semester abroad in Italy, stayed on and traveled Europe — taking in everything Europe had to offer. Soon after I returned to the US, I moved out to California and painted murals in private homes. I returned back East where I continued work in interiors, while building a body of my personal work. While living in Buffalo, NY, I had two solo shows at The Nina Frudenheim Gallery. In 2002 I moved to NYC (Bushwick) where my career took flight. I was fortunate to be represented by The Sears/Peyton Gallery where I had two solo shows and Frances Harris of Harris Art Advisors. As a result my work has been placed worldwide in private and corporate collections.
Presently, I work and reside in my hometown of Buffalo, NY with my wife, Sarah and son, Gianluca. I continue to work in the commercial art world as well as building my body of work in oils and gouache. My vision is always to create something beautiful and inspirational, whether a painting or architectural restoration or interior wall mural, it all comes from the same place.